Friday, October 15, 2010

The Battle With Solaris Part 3

The final fight with Solaris 10 in order to get my Oracle DB up and running....

When I ran the .sql script using sqlplus to build the DB, I was receiving an error:

ORA-27102: out of memory

Followed by a:

solaris-amd64 Error: 12: Not Enough Space

Did a lot of digging around trying to find what the problem was. Doing a df -k (this command gets you the space available on various filesystems) it appeared I had enough space necessary to create a what was the problem.

The solution was to increase my swap space which was apparently running out.

It is detailed here:

Essentially those commands take a chunk of memory from the root filesystem / (1024M or 1 Gig) and allocates it as swap space.

After that when the .sql script ran it had the necessary space to do what it needed.

Everything worked fine, the DB was installed and that was that.

So I learned a bunch of random unix commands, and learned a bit about VMWare and Solaris. All in all a nice opportunity to increase my knowhow.

And now it's all blogged so I'll never be clueless again, right?

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